Friday, December 16, 2011

Back in the Saddle

After a short break, I have returned with my column over at Abandoned Towers. Go take a gander and be inspired by the gloriousness of my words!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Waiting, Waiting, Waiting

There hasn't been a whole lot of writing activity lately. This hasn't been entirely my doing, though, so that's something. I turned in my revised novel to my editor/publisher about two weeks ago and have heard nothing. I'm hoping it's going well, but who knows? Actually after addressing her macro revisions, I'm kind of expecting a major line edit to come back. But again, who knows? I have heard nothing since I sent it in.

Speaking of silence, it's now been almost two months since the Dark InSpectre went dark. There had been some progress. There's still that blank skeleton site up, but that went up about a week and a half ago. I sent an email to my editor/publisher last week checking on the progress and have heard nothing. It's kind of giving me an uneasy feeling getting nothing but silence on two fronts. Makes me think something's going on. Paranoid? Me? Well....

I know that what I should really be doing is addressing some short stories that have been on the back burner for a while. But to be honest my health hasn't been the best and work has been quite crazy. So it's just been kind of a lull. Which isn't terrible. I just wish I'd hear something...