Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Another Story Acceptance

I'm rollin' baby! Got another story accepted. This one is for a different anthology called Best Left Buried: A Cursed Anthology. It's also being published by Static Movement. The story was something I'd written like six years ago and set aside and forgotten. But I saw the theme of the anthology and dusted it off, cut out about 1,700 words and re-vamped it slightly and subbed it in. And voila! The story was originally titled Zombies are Stupid, but I re-titled it: The Emerald Heart. And yes, it's chock full of zombie goodness. The anthology is not very full right now, so it probably won't publish till next year, which is fine, I'm in no rush. I'll also try and help out by posting the submission call in a few places. And in the meantime, here's the cover, it's way cool!

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