Thursday, May 9, 2013

Gettin' my Head Shot

I finally, finally, after a long time spent wishing I had done this, have arranged to get a professional photo of myself. As I have published a number of short stories, I am asked every once in a while for a head shot, and I don't really have one and instead send some picture I've taken of myself with my own camera or phone. But now that I actually have a novel coming out, it's time. I'm using someone who did the head shots for my wife's office for their web site. The photographer is a real pro and we spoke for like a half an hour yesterday. She told me the different options for what to wear, how long the session will last, etc. The whole price tag is under $1,000, which my wife was fine with. And since she's the arbiter of what we can afford, I'm fine with that too! The shoot is taking place in some Manhattan office space in about two weeks at a location that's extremely convenient to my work.

I have to say that I am very glad to be doing this. It's something I've wanted to do for a while, and now with a book coming out, I'll need it for promotional purposes, my Amazon author page, Goodreads author page, etc.

And especially now that....the editor at my publishing house wants to see the Dark InSpectre! Yes! As I said previously, I pitched the series to her now that I've written the last episode. And she wants to take a look! So I'm gong to put all the episodes together in one document. Counting both story arcs, that's 93 episodes. Yeah, quite a lot! Then I'm going to give it a quick read through to add in all the language my original publisher wouldn't allow (read: cursing), and of course sex up the sex scene.

What I don't know is how this will affect any audio version they may want. I'm already narrating the existing series for the Rockland, Maine radio station that's airing them. If Pro Se Press wants an audio version, too, will I have to re-record after it goes through editing? We'll see, but that's a minor concern. I'm so psyched at the possibility of the series coming out in book form. I've been working on the thing for like 5 years, and in my humble opinion it's probably the best, coolest story I've written.

And in other editor tells me that Badge of Lies is on the docket for publication and she expects to see it within the next month! Now, I'm not exactly sure what that means in terms of hitting stores, etc, but I know good news when I hear it. My f#$*ing novel is coming out! So f@#% yeah!

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