Saturday, February 20, 2010

Killer Review

Just got a new review for my short story, The Killer Within, from the review site, The Pagan and the Pen. Four out of five tarot cards. Here's the skinny:

"This short read was action packed from page one to the ending. I'm a mystery/suspense buff anyway, so this one had me from the title. The story is exciting, believable and well written, all though I found a few minor editing issues, but nothing that distracted from the story at all. My biggest complaint with this story is the length. I wanted more! There is much more to Frank Arnold and in this story, we only get little glimpses of who the man really is and what his life is about. I hope Mr. Kahn is at his computer writing the next installment of Frank's life because inquiring minds want to know! This would make a fine novel and I look forward to reading whatever the author has in store next."

You can also check out the review here.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


This morning when I got to work, I got an email with the latest edits for the next episode of the Dark InSpectre, the penultimate episode in the current story arc. There were a lot of edits. I groaned inwardly and was NOT enthused about attacking them. It didn't help that I'm recovering from a horrific migraine and really don't want to use the parts of my brain involved in critical thinking and creativity, you know, those things involved in "work."

But late in the day I did turn my attention to the piece. And you know what? The juices started flowing. The edits and suggestions were all spot on, as they usually are, and they spurred me to make the episode significantly better. So what does that tell you? It tells me that even if I'm not feeling that great, TFB: Get to f---ing work!

On another note, as I've mentioned before, Something Wicked magazine says on it's web site that submissions will re-open in March, which is in just 11 days. And I haven't even heard word one about the piece I submitted back in April 2009! WTF!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Episode 15 now up

Episode 15 of The Dark InSpectre is now online, in which our hero has to do some late night breaking and entering. Just two episodes left!

Here's an excerpt:

He strode cautiously in my direction, senses sweeping. I was deep enough that he couldn’t get a fix, and hidden in shadow so he couldn’t see me. I could’ve shot him with my las pistol, but he was just an innocent security guard, I didn’t want to kill anyone. He came closer. I stayed in trance, waiting until the last possible second, reflecting that it was a good thing my conditioning didn’t prevent me from messing with other tels. Society didn’t care what we did to each other, just normals.

Just a few more feet. There.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Rapid fire edits

We had an actual full blown blizzard yesterday. Everybody was home, school was canceled, the office was closed. In Brooklyn we had like a foot-plus dumped on us in a day. It was something!

Anyway, after some heavy back and forth with my editor, Episode 15 of The Dark InSpectre is ready to post on Monday, and as predicted, the expanded scene did result in an additional episode. So instead of ending with Episode 16, the current story arc will now end with Episode 17.

After seeing evidence that Something Wicked Magazine has started going through submissions, I've been waiting with baited breath regarding the story I sent in 10 months ago. Their web site states that they will open up to submissions again in March. That's in a little over two weeks. Am I crazy to think their plan is to get through the back log by then? Is anything happening over there? ANYTHING!?

Sigh...Unfortunately, this is what we are reduced to when a pub goes silent for a while. We have to over analyze every tiny bit of information we glean from the most obscure sources, as we are reduced to little more than blind fortune tellers casting our bones on the earth for a sign, any sign. At least that's the way I feel. Oh well, I'll do some writing to take my mind off of it.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Interview with yours truly

The lovely Rie McGaha was nice enough to post an interview with me on her blog. Check it out here.

Also did some good revising of the next episode of The Dark InSpectre, which will post a week from Monday. Stay tuned!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

The 2 R's

I did some good writing on the next story arc for The Dark InSpectre last weekend, am now getting the story to start twisting and turning like I want it to. I'm looking forward to doing some more writing at my older boy's karate class this weekend.

I also got edits back on episode 15 of the current story arc. My editor pointed out a sizeable problem with it, so I will have to revise. This will probably end up with three more episodes to go, instead of two. Oh well, more story for the faithful readers!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Episode 14 now up

Episode 14 of The Dark InSpectre is now online. Only 2 episodes left in the current story arc!

Here's an excerpt:
Passing my hand over the sensor to raise the lights, I quickly scanning the interior. The sultry tympani beat played softly. I moved through the living room, paused outside the darkened doorway to Gina’s bedroom. A scent hit me and I recognized the acrid smell of laser burn. Then I saw the still form lying on the bed.

I rushed forward, almost tripping. My foot hit something and it and went skittering across the floor. I bent to pick it up. Stupid. It was a las-pistol, I was a patsy. I angrily tossed it aside and went to the bed, tears forming in my eyes.