Friday, January 20, 2012

Bloggin' Stuff

Once again I have posted my rapturous ramblings over at Abandoned Towers Magazine. Feel free to be enlightened by the virtuosity of my words. Just visit here!

In other news, I have successfully loaded all the old episodes of the Dark InSpectre on the new site, so yay! However, I'm having real trouble loading the audio episodes. For one, there's a 7 mb size limit on loading media, and some of the audio files are larger than that. And when I experimented with a smaller file, it seemed to load, but it won't show in the podpress player that's been installed.

I definitely need my editor to help with this, but she is in absentia again, which is becoming frustrating. Especially since she has yet to download the wordpress theme and banner graphic so the site actually looks like The Dark InSpectre and not just some generic wordpress site. Oh, and she has the next 4 episodes and the revised manuscript I sent her.

I guess I'll keep writing that short story I'm halfway through. : \

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