Couple of very interesting things lately. First of all, I got an absolutely amazing review for The Killer Within from a site called Book Illuminations. I mean, I never would expect a review to be this good. Here it is:
Average citizens are the new tools of the crime families. A drug has been developed that leaves the individual open to any suggestion- including assassination. These sleeper hits are increasing rapidly in number and Detective Frank Arnold suspects that something bigger is on the horizon soon. He’s determined to work his way onto the task force to stop the crime lords- but will his determination cost him everything?
Wow! Jason Kahn’s short story packs one heck of a powerful punch. While readers may suspect some of the twists in THE KILLER WITHIN, Jason Kahn ramps it up and adds a few more twists to surprise the reader. The shocking ending is unexpected and yet perfect for the overall concept of the story.
Jason Kahn uses the short story format to craft a tale that is both intriguing and well developed. The characters are multidimensional, not flat, allowing the reader to empathize with them. Frank is an excellent choice for the role of narrator as his passion and dedication are present throughout the story, making his observations even more shocking.
THE KILLER WITHIN epitomizes just what a short story should do. The tale is complete within itself while whetting the appetite of the reader for even more tales by Jason Kahn. Bravo!
And just so you know I'm not making that up myself, check it out for yourself here.
In addition, I found a growing community for writers of online serialized science fiction. I know, it's like someone invented this group just for me! It's called New Writing Media. I've already met some other people through it who are writing their own ongoing stories. And not only that, but the site has a resources page of other sites specifically for listing and reviewing online serials. Unbelievable. I've started the process and have already got The Dark InSpectre listed at a place called the Web Fiction Guide.
And Episode 7 of The Dark InSpectre goes up tomorrow! Yay!
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