Yesterday was fairly normal. I sent back a revised version of the next episode of the Dark InSpectre to my editor, and she sent it back with a few last little changes here and there, and that was that. Then she sent another email with the subject line: Special Request.
I should note here that in addition to Abandoned Towers Magazine, my editor, the aptly named Crystalwizard, also runs a book publishing company with several imprints ranging from scifi to fantasy and several other genres. Her special request was this: Would I like to write a hard, non-paranormal crime detective story for her mystery imprint, around 60,000 words?
I got this email at about 5:00 pm, on my way out the door from work. At home, once I re-attached my lower jaw to the rest of my face, I got more details. Turns out she has a mystery imprint but no real hard hitting crime novels, and she thinks my voice would be perfect for it. I was very concerned about doing this new project and writing The Dark InSpectre at the same time. She suggested lengthening the time between episodes, which I'm not crazy about, but if it helps me write an honest to god book that will actually be published, then I'll make the sacrifice and hope my readers will understand.
She gave me a rough time table of coming up with a plot overview and the first 3 chapters by August, and a first draft a year from now. Long story short--I'm in.
This all happened in the last 24 hours. I'm still reeling.
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